Wednesday, December 26, 2007
If you're interested in making money with blogs, then this article was written for you. Specifically in this article I'll give you a brief overview of what it takes to have a successful blog, and some strategies you need to incorporate for your blog in order to get maximum profit from it. After reading this article, you should have several ideas you can use to start earning money from your blog immediately.
The main reason blogs aren't profitable is because they are neglected. The first rule of creating a profitable blog is to make a schedule for updating it regularly. A blog is nothing more than a fancy name for a website. And all websites need to be updated in order to keep visitors coming back to them. Set a schedule to post something of value to your blog once every few days. If you don't do this, the none of the other strategies work.
In addition to updating your blog, the single most important thing you can do to get people coming back to it is to capture their e-mail address so you can tell them when you update your blog. The way you do this is to sign up for our and not a responder service, which will generate the code for you to put on your blog to get people to sign up. They can either sign up for a newsletter where you send them information on a regular basis, or simply sign up to be notified when you post something new on your blog or when you want to tell them something.
By having their e-mail address, you can promote products to them were you get a commission if those products sell. Or you can put Google adsense on your site, and by getting people to continually come back to your blog and telling others about it, you'll earn money because a certain amount of people will click on your adsense ads.
Finally, in order to really get people to come back to your blog, it must be interesting and innovating. It can't be the same old thing as all the other blogs out there. Look at your blog compared to other blogs that revolve around the topic you're writing about. Now ask yourself what you can do to add more value to your visitors than what everybody else is doing. You will be surprised at the good answers you come up with.
In conclusion, turn your blog into something that generates profit is easy. First, updated regularly. Second, give people a way to constantly remember to check your blog often. And third, be unique so you can catch people's attention and keep it. Do these three things and you should start earning some money in your bank account from your blog.
Monday, December 24, 2007
This one can put an extra $200/week in your pocket. Or an extra $300. Or an extra $500…
Step 1 - Go to your favorite Affiliate Network (Commission Junction, Azoogle, Hydramedia, etc. - if you aren’t signed up with any, do it!), look through the CPA* offers for credit repair, debt relief, mortgages loans, cash advance payday loans, student loans, and similar offers and sign up for a few. Many of these offers pay $4-$20 or more simply for filling out an application! [Read more →]
Friday, December 21, 2007
Ad spying is based on the premise that if an affiliate ad is running long enough it must be profitable, or else the owner wouldn’t continue to pay for it. Ads cost money, and if they aren’t returning more profit than they cost, they don’t last too long.There are caveats to that theory, most notably […]
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Niche Research Bonanza!
The idea behind niche research is to find a topic or need that you can exploit by offering a product or solution. There are as many methods of niche research are there are niches, some better than others. The objective of good niche research is to find a group that has a common need or […]
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Ad spying is based on the premise that if an affiliate ad is running long enough it must be profitable, or else the owner wouldn’t continue to pay for it. Ads cost money, and if they aren’t returning more profit than they cost, they don’t last too long.There are caveats to that theory, most notably […]
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Malware Protection, Yahoo’s Ad Generator, Maximizing your PPC, Cool Tools, and More Free Stuff!
Welcome to another Super-Action-Packed issue, Melanies Tips #19! Welcome to another Super-Action-Packed issue, Melanies Tips #19 where we’ll talk protecting yourself from malware, Yahoo’s new Ad Generator, maximizing your profitable PPC campaigns, , more Cool Tools, and of course, yet another Something For Nothing Thats Actually Worth Something!…
Monday, December 17, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
While the google adwords keyword tool isn't technically free, it only costs $5, which you get as credit to spend on adwords. This will be the best investment you will make for keyword tools. Think about it. Google is the biggest company in the whole world created for giving data to people who are buying keywords. Google wants to give you the most effective real-time keywords so you will continue to use their services. Why would you want to neglect this resource? [...more...]
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Quickies: 50 Tips on Getting More Traffic to Your Site!
October 11th, 2007 · 4 Comments
Getting traffic to your site, whether it is an Affiliate Marketing niche site, a blog, review site, etc. is one of the most basic, ongoing practices for Internet Marketers. Of course, many of us use PPC, but even with that, we should always be looking for additional means to drive traffic. Here is a neat […]
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
Friday, December 7, 2007
Google Still King Of Pay Per Click?
You know that Google has a corner on the market when people refer to pay per click advertising as Adwords campaigns. This is a testimony to the Google empire. But while Google Adwords may be the biggest game in town they're not the only game in town. Some say there is a good chance that Google may very well be knocked off their thrown. This article is going to look at some problems with Google Adwords that could lead to their downfall. Sometimes, when a company gets big gets too big for their own good, they think that they can do and get away with just about anything. That may hold true for a while, but anybody who thinks that a giant can't be knocked off its thrown, should take a look at what happened to AT&T and IBM. They are both no longer the monopoly that they once were. And in the case of IBM, they're not even number 1 anymore. [...more...]
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Ad spying is based on the premise that if an affiliate ad is running long enough it must be profitable, or else the owner wouldn’t continue to pay for it. Ads cost money, and if they aren’t returning more profit than they cost, they don’t last too long.
There are caveats to that theory, most notably […]
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Monday, December 3, 2007
Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
SpeedPPC - A Powerful PPC Pay Per Click Affiliate Marketing System?
Monday, November 26, 2007
Internet Marketing is a unique business for many reasons; technology, scale, growth, well you know, it’s the Internet! It does, however share one characteristic with most other businesses: it is easier to fail than it is to succeed. There are lots of reasons, some of them common to any business, some more Internet-specific.
Friday, November 23, 2007
I received an email from someone on my list saying:
“Help! I am just overwhelmed. I really want to make money online, even if it never makes me rich, just gives me a decent income stream. The problem is that I’m completely overwhelmed with too much information. Also, I just can’t afford to spend much money, […]
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
If you’re new to Internet marketing this post will cover some of the basics and business fundamentals that you need to know. Specifically in this article we will talking about how to evaluate which products and information are right for your business, the number one most important thing to success in Internet marketing, and finally a basic understanding of how all Internet businesses work. This post should give you some important insight, and make you realize that Internet marketing is a business. [Read more →]
Monday, November 19, 2007
Melanies Tips # 20 - Keywords, Cool Tool, and More Free Stuff!
There’s NO SUCH THING as a 10 cent keyword!
A few months ago I wrote an article with that title. It drew lot of attention and criticism. But it’s important to understand the premise. When you create an ad campaign in AdWords, each of your keywords has a Minimum Bid that you must meet in order to trigger your ad for that keyword. One of the ongoing objectives for any campaign, is to pay as little as possible, while getting the best conversion. [Read more →]
Friday, November 16, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
PPCRiches has given us a HUGE boost.
If you’ve been doing Pay Per Click for very long, you’ve almost certainly had that dreaded experience: logging into your Adwords account one day to see “xxx of your keywords are no longer active“. The dreaded “Google Slap” - $0.25 keywords suddenly requiring Minimum Bids of $1, $5, $10, even $20! [Read more →]
Monday, November 12, 2007
If you're interested in doing keyword research before entering into a niche or market, then you will want to read this article. Specifically, we will discuss how to do keyword research for free, and the proper way to assure you get the most accurate data so you know which keywords to optimize for. After reading this article, you should have a strategy you can use to start all your keyword research.
If you're going to enter into any niche, you should start broad, then go narrow. This ensures you won't miss important keywords. For example, let's say you were going to do keyword research for dieting tips. To start broad, we'd want to research a term like diet. We are not looking for just keywords with diet in them however, because search engines like Google also analyze relevancy by latent semantic indexing (LSI). What LSI means is that search engines check for similar terms related to diet to determine how relevant the content website is.
To take advantage of LSI properly, do a Google search for diet, but put a tilde (~) in front of the term, so search would look like this: ~diet. Google will return related words in bold such as weight loss, recipes, wheat, meal, eating and foods. Notice the difference from these words and words you'd find in a thesaurus. If you're doing keyword research properly, your best to use terms that search engines tell you are relevant, and not what a thesaurus suggests.
You can then take each of these terms, and do another tilde search, and write down more related words that pop up. By going through broader words into more specific words, you'll be sure not to miss any words related to your keyword, and also have a list of an exact vocabulary to use in your pages to ensure Google will evaluate your content as being highly relevant.
In conclusion, the strategy I have given you something you should use every time you're going to do keyword research for a new niche. While this is not the only strategy you should employ, it is the best one to use for getting a list of terms to look at and consider as traffic sources. The next logical step would be to determine how many users are searching for each of those terms, and then locating ones with high searches so you can optimize for not just the keyword, but related keywords that the search engines also place value upon.
Friday, November 9, 2007
If you've read a handful of sales pages or information about making money on the Internet, you've probably had your skepticism alarm kicked in. That's because of either hype, flat out lies or half-truths. Usually what you're reading a sales page is a best case scenario. How often do things go perfectly planned in your life? I thought so. Evaluate all information with an extra layer of skepticism. That doesn't mean you should discount it -- only that you should know that what you are reading is likely to be a best case scenario. Being able to have the proper viewpoint means that once you apply the information you purchase or read about, you won't get frustrated right away and quit.
Secondly, creating a great product and making a very functional website doesn't matter one lick if you can't get people to look at it. Traffic is the most important thing for your success in Internet marketing. If you are going to make money, you need to know how to bring in traffic. You can either pay for traffic, if you have the budget, you can get high rankings in search engines for select terms, or you can utilize other strategies such as article writing and posting on free classified ads to bring traffic to your website. But some how you must familiarize yourself with basic ways of traffic generation, and then determine which ones you will use to get people to come to your website. This is by far the most important thing in Internet marketing.
Lastly, in order to run your business successfully, you must know how to run a business successfully. It would be very smart to take a few books from the library on business plans. Learn about supply chains, and customer service in addition to marketing. If you can't manage your resources and time, than all the inquiries you get about your products and services from your marketing will fall apart as you begin to handle them. I cannot stress this enough -- you should create a business plan to save you time and maximize your potential for profit.
With the proper skeptical attitude toward the products and information you read, a good traffic generation strategy and a sound business plan, you'll be ahead of 95% of people in the Internet marketing arena. The reason most people fail at Internet marketing is because they give up too early. The reason they give out quickly is because they have no long-term vision. By doing all the above, you'll cultivate a long-term vision and you will also use your time and resources much better.
Michael Ullman is President of Analogy Marketing(, a leading NY-based Internet Marketing company. Analogy Marketing focuses on Affiliate Marketing, and markets the tools they use in-house to other Internet Marketers.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
In this article I will explain exactly how to get the most out of your marketing with several specific kinds of follow up strategies. I will breakdown the importance of building a list and how to use it to get a maximum return on investment. After reading this article, you'd have to be brain dead not to get at least one profit generating idea.
First, if you don't capture their information, you can't follow up. The money is in the list. There are several ways to build a list, but it all comes down to one thing: exchange. In other words, you have to give a compelling reason for a customer to give you personal information. They have to get something in return. If you're in a hot niche, the reason might be just so they can "stay current". If you're in a very competitive niche, you might have to do it with an all out bribe. Give something away that they cannot resist, and you'll have people giving you permission to email them.
With that, let's look at the psychology of the follow-up briefly. One of the most important reasons people buy is because of timing. Here's an example: your prospect's boss really jumped on his case that day. He just got home and he's still seeing red because of his boss. He opens his email and finds a message on "how to make money on the Internet so you can quick your day job!". Perfect timing.
But what if that didn't happen? Let's say he found your website last week when he was only mildly annoyed. And you didn't follow up. You probably lost a sell.
Other ways you lose sells by not following up: bad timing. Your prospect wants to buy but his wife is nagging him telling him to cut the lawn. He puts off buying, thinking he'll come back to it later. He never does. But how convenient would it have been to remind him?
So here's the first big secret. If you do nothing else but send out the same message to your prospect again, you'll make more sales! All due to timing. So if you have nothing to say on a follow up, just write a brief paragraph saying, "Hey, just in case you didn't get a chance to read this last time, here it is again..."
What other ways should you follow up? One of my favorites is to follow up tying your message to the news. Is there a way you can relate your message to something going on that people are talking about around the water cooler? You can also follow up with more educational information to help your customer make a purchasing decision, with more gifts or simply to ask them some questions.
There is one group of people you should make a very specific plan to follow up on: Your past customers. It's simple. These are people who at one point trusted you enough to give you money. And here's something else: No matter what you sell, there is always something complimentary to it that a percentage of your customers will also purchase if given the right reasons. This means you need to be following up with your customers so you can sell more things to them. Otherwise, if you don't they will go and buy from someone else. You don't want that do you?
So in conclusion, you must make following up deliberate and systematic if you really want to get the most out of your marketing. It is where the most chance for profit windfall is in Internet marketing.
Michael Ullman is the President of Analogy Marketing(, a leading NY-based Internet Marketing firm. Mr. Ullman is also a Google Certified Adwords Professional, has taught at American University, and lectured at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC
Monday, November 5, 2007
If you're doing keyword research and you're not using the Google adwords keyword research tool, you're doing yourself a great disservice. However, most people who do use Google adwords keyword tool don't use it properly. In this article I will give you step-by-step sequence on how you can use the most powerful free keyword research tool available on the Internet. Follow the advice given in this article, and watch in amazement as you discover time and time again long tail keywords that you have previously been missing.
While the google adwords keyword tool isn't technically free, it only costs $5, which you get as credit to spend on adwords. This will be the best investment you will make for keyword tools. Think about it. Google is the biggest company in the whole world created for giving data to people who are buying keywords. Google wants to give you the most effective real-time keywords so you will continue to use their services. Why would you want to neglect this resource?
Here's how you get the most out of it. First, login to your adwords account, click tools, and then select keyword tool. Search for a broad term in the niche you want to research, and then select "use synonyms" and perform your research.
The Google adwords keyword tool will return a list of keywords that have been proven to be relevant by Google standards. Now, take these terms, and put them into the search engine. Take the top 10 websites those terms deliver, then go back to Google adwords keyword tool, click on the site related keywords tab, and enter those 10 sites to get even more keywords.
Now, use synonyms for each of these searches and add those keywords to your list. Continue this process over and over again until you get as many keywords as you think are necessary. Now you have a list of keywords that you can use with any other keyword research tools such as Word tracker, keyword analyzer, SEO Elite, and so on to scrape for long tail keyword searches. If you still need more words, you can take the list you returned from the other keyword tools, and then bring them into the Google adwords keyword research tool. You can also use the Google traffic estimator as a guide to see which terms have the highest searches.
In conclusion, if you're not using the Google adwords tool as I have described above, you're missing out on some very important keywords.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
This Ebook will show you how to implement the same tactics and strategies that the top Google Adwords PPC Experts use in a matter of hours! With an AdWords Instant Expert! Checklist, complete and easy to understand Quality Score explanation, and clear, simple to follow instructions.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Getting traffic to your site, whether it is an Affiliate Marketing niche site, a blog, review site, etc. is one of the most basic, ongoing practices for Internet Marketers. Of course, many of us use PPC, but even with that, we should always be looking for additional means to drive traffic. Here is a neat list of 50 ways to drive traffic, care of a post on Warrior Forum by Justin Michie (
Many of you are probably doing some of these already, however I’m sure all of you will find some worthwhile methods here. PS- #50 is my personal favorite! [Read more →]
Monday, October 15, 2007
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
A few months ago I wrote an article with that title. It drew lot of attention and criticism. But it’s important to understand the premise. When you create an ad campaign in AdWords, each of your keywords has a Minimum Bid that you must meet in order to trigger your ad for that keyword. One of the ongoing objectives for any campaign, is to pay as little as possible, while getting the best conversion. [Read more →]
Monday, October 1, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
The BEST Keyword Research Tool, and it’s FREE!
If you’ve been at Internet Marketing for more than an hour, you already know this; and if you follow this blog or subscribe to Melanies Tips you’ve heard me say it over and over: Keyword Research is the foundation of Internet Marketing.
Whether you’re writing Pay Per Click ads, sales copy, articles, trying to rank your site - it all begins with effective Keyword Research.
And nowhere does it have a more dramatic and immediate effect than PPC. Even a lousy ad will get clicked on eventually if you bid on the right keywords, but bid on the wrong keywords, and you can actually watch as your wallet shrinks. [Read more →]
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
$97/month, 30-day money back guarantee.
Make More, Spend Less
If you are doing any Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising, and you are not using Affiliate Radar, you are losing money. At least you re making less than you could be.
[Read More...]
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Pay Per Click Fraud
Pay Per Click (PPC) Fraud Can Sink The Best Online Marketing Business Opportunity[Internet-and-Businesses-Online:PPC-Advertising] Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising can be the best online marketing business opportunity for making money fast. It can also shrink your wallet with equal speed. PPC fraud is something you must always monitor for.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Great Resource for Freebies & Bonuses!
List building is one of the foundations for successful Internet marketing. One of the most basic strategies for building on-going sustainable business is creating a list.
One of the best ways to create a list is by giving away high-value freebies and bonuses. Here is an excellent resource for good, high-value freebies and bonuses that can be used by anyone, in almost any niche: [Read more →]
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
BlogRush - FREE Blog Traffic Generator
Trust me on this: Run, don’t walk, and sign up for your free account with BlogRush - the sooner you do, the greater the benefits.
Regular visitors to Improve Your Internet Marketing will notice a new ‘feature’ on the left-hand pane of the blog: This is BlogRush, John Reese’s new blog syndication network. [Read more →]
Thursday, September 13, 2007
KeywordSpy - Can You Really See a PPC Advertisers Keyword List?
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Google Still King Of Pay Per Click?
Google Still King Of Pay Per Click?
Check out this article By Michael Ullman at Ezine Articles
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Affiliate Radar
Are you spending a lot of money for Affiliate Marketing on Google Adwords? Of course we all are. Wouldn't it be nice to have a tool that can easily and effectively track keywords, keyword campaigns, ads and more. Are you leaving money on the table by not using MSN Ad Center or Yahoo Marketing because it is too time consuming to transfer campaigns from Google Ad Words? Not anymore with Affiliate Radar you can quickly and easily transfer ads from Google to MSN and Yahoo. Check out this article I found at Ezine Articles to learn more.
Monday, September 10, 2007
SpeedPPC - A Powerful PPC Pay Per Click Affiliate Marketing System?
With SpeedPPC you can quickly and easily.
Check out this great article I found at Ezine Articles
Melanies Tips #19 - Malware Protection, Yahoo’s Ad Generator, Maximizing your PPC, Cool Tools, and More Free Stuff!
Melanies Tips #19 - Malware Protection, Yahoo’s Ad Generator, Maximizing your PPC, Cool Tools, and More Free Stuff!
Welcome to another Super-Action-Packed issue, Melanies Tips #19! Welcome to another Super-Action-Packed issue, Melanies Tips #19 where we’ll talk protecting yourself from malware, Yahoo’s new Ad Generator, maximizing your profitable PPC campaigns, , more Cool Tools, and of course, yet another Something For Nothing Thats Actually Worth Something!… [Read more →]
Friday, September 7, 2007
Tools & Reviews
“Tools & Reviews” takes a look at products and services to help improve your Internet Marketing.
I will try to provide an honest appraisal of tools for keyword research, campaign management, ad spying, keyword tracking, list building, landing page development, and anything else that goes into profitable Internet Marketing. I will try to limit it to […]
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Quickie - Foreign Language Ebooks!
Quickie: Foreign Language Ebooks
Step 1 - Go through your ‘Freebies’ folder and open up each ebook or pdf, and read through the licensing rights.
* (If you don’t already have one, you should create […]
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
ZamDoo is now open for sign-ups!
ZamDoo is now open for sign-ups!
After testing every ad spying program on the market for 2 months - real-world, “can I make money with this” testing - I chose ZamDoo for my own Affiliate Marketing business.I do not promote products I don’t use or believe in. I have found ZamDoo to be everything I need- powerful, fast, and feature-rich. Support […]
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Melanies Tips #18 - Your Adwords Videos, Case Studies, Cool Tools, and More Free Stuff!
Melanies Tips #18 - Your Adwords Videos, Case Studies, Cool Tools, and More Free Stuff!
Welcome to another Super-Action-Packed issue, Melanies Tips #18! With this issue we launch the 5-part video series to take you from Adwords Novice to Pro; this issue marks the beginning in a series of ‘Case Studies’, includes some Cool Tools, and of course, yet another Something For Nothing Thats Actually Worth Something! [Read more →]
Friday, August 31, 2007
Keyword Research Tool Free Trial -
Another Great Tool From Improve Your Internet Marketing
Keyword research is one of the most important functions in every area of Internet Marketing.
Recently I came across a post on Warrior Forum about a new keyword research tool called “Wordze”, a paid keyword research tool similar to Nichebot. The post had a link for a free, 30 day trial: Free Trial. (It’s […]
Thursday, August 30, 2007
5 Step Plan for Budding Internet Marketers with Little Time and Less Money
I received an email from someone on my list saying:
“Help! I am just overwhelmed. I really want to make money online, even if it never makes me rich, just gives me a decent income stream. The problem is that I’m completely overwhelmed with too much information. Also, I just can’t afford to spend much money, […]
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Melanies Tips #18 - Your Adwords Videos, Case Studies, Cool Tools, and More Free Stuff!
Welcome to another Super-Action-Packed issue, Melanies Tips #18 from Improve Your Internet Marketing! With this issue we launch the 5-part video series to take you from Adwords Novice to Pro; this issue marks the beginning in a series of ‘Case Studies’, includes some Cool Tools, and of course, yet another Something For Nothing Thats Actually Worth Something!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Quickie - Foreign Language Ebooks!
Great Tip for Pay Per Click Marketing
This one can give you an extra few hundred dollars each month, and once it’s set up, runs entirely on ‘auto-pilot’ …
Quickie: Foreign Language Ebooks
Step 1 - Go through your ‘Freebies’ folder and open up each ebook or pdf, and read through the licensing rights.
* (If you don’t already have one, you should create a “Freebies” folder on your desktop. Keep all the Private Label Rights (PLR) and Resale Rights bonuses and give-aways you get - use them for your own bonuses or opt-in give-aways) [Read more →]
Monday, August 27, 2007
3 Landing Page Steps to Boost Your Quality Score and Lower Your CPC
Some of us may not realize that Google Adwords CPC’s (Cost per Click), the amount we pay for a click on a keyword, is a variable. There is NO SUCH THING AS A $.10 KEYWORD! Neither is there such thing as a $.50 keyword, or a $5.00 keyword. This is because Google’s base CPC, the minimum you must pay to trigger your ad for a given keyword, varies. It depends on a slew of factors including match type, relevance of the landing page, and the adgroup’s CTR or Click Through Rate. My $.10 keyword might cost you $.65! Or vice-versa…
Friday, August 24, 2007
KeywordSpy Unique Keyword Research Tool
Price: $89/month
Keyword research is perhaps the most important function in Internet marketing, whether it’s for SEO and landing page optimization, copy writing, or SEM (Search Engine Marketing). In PPC Advertising, ‘good’ keyword research is what determines whether you make or lose money.
With the advent of Ad Spying tools like ZamDoo, Google Cash Detective, AdSpyPro, and […]
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Adwords In Print For An Extra Few Hundred Dollars Each Week
This one can put an extra $200/week in your pocket. Or an extra $300. Or an extra $500…
Quickie: Adwords in Print
Step 1 - Go to your favorite Affiliate Network (Commission Junction, Azoogle, Hydramedia, etc. - if you aren’t signed up with any, do it!), look through the CPA* offers for credit repair, debt relief, mortgages loans, cash advance payday loans, student loans, and similar offers and sign up for a few. Many of these offers pay $4-$20 or more simply for filling out an application! [Read more →]
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Google Quality Score Formula
Google’s Quality Score Formula
If you’re an Internet Marketer using Google Adwords PPC, than your life is ruled by two variables: your wallet, and Google’s “Quality Score”. The All-Important Quality Score is the formula Google uses to determine what your Cost Per Click will be and whether your keywords get ’slapped’. The exact formula for Quality Score is guarded about as closely as the formula for Coca-Cola, however through testing, and trial & error we can get a very good idea of the basic formula. [Read more →]
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Pay Per Click Advertising For Beginners
Even if you are new to the Internet marketing field you have heard of pay per click advertising or just PPC. If you just built a new website and want to attract people quickly to your site and begin getting sales then PPC ads are probably your best bet. The most popular pay per click accounts include Google Ad Words, Yahoo Marketing and MSN Ad Center.
But how do you know where to begin I would recommend checking out the following article from
Melanie's Tips #12 - Ad words “Cheat-sheet”
There are two periods when you need to be particularly careful and aware in using Ad words: when you’re just starting out, and when you’re not just starting out! In the beginning, it’s easy to miss important steps because many of them are still new. Once you’ve been doing it for a while, it’s easy to […]