Saturday, June 21, 2008

Traffic for Site Flipping

Site-flipping, or buying & selling sites for profit, has become "all the rage". Unfortunately, many people mistakenly believe 'any' site will sell, or have unrealistic expectations of what they will get for their sites.

One of the most important factors in successfully flipping a site is traffic. Without it, you won't get much for your site.

Pay Per Click (PPC) is a great way to generate quick, strong traffic to a site for flipping. Even though this is "conditional" traffic - meaning when you stop advertising, your traffic slows - it is acceptable for flipping, as long as it is stated clearly.

If you are monetizing your site through product sales or membership fees, there is nothing wrong with using PPC to generate your sales and traffic.

Even if you are monetizing though advertising, such as Adsense, this will work, as long as you can show a profit.

There's an interesting article, part 1 of a series, on our favorite blog "Improve Your Internet Marketing" that goes into site-flipping.

Take a look (and bookmark it so you can read the whole series): Secrets to Website Flipping.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Improving Your Landing Page Quality Score

One of the most important things you can do to lower your CPC (Click-Through Rate) is to raise your "Quality Score" (btw, "QS" is now used by all the major search engines - YSM (Yahoo Search Marketing) and Microsoft Adcenter - not just Google's Adwords).

One of the most important factors in determining Quality Score is your landing page.

Testing has shown that landing pages must contain certain elements in order to get a high QS.

Specifically, if you don't have a "Privacy Policy", "Contacts" page, and "Legal / Disclaimers" page, you will not achieve the highest Quality Score that you can.

Analogy Marketing wrote a post last summer detailing Google's QS Formula. While there have been some changes, it is for the most part still accurate.

Do yourself a favor and study the Quality Score formula, you'll do wonders for your CPC!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Free Ad Spying and Keyword Tracking

I just came across HexaTrack - a FREE Ad Spying and Keyword Tracking application.Back in early 2007, a number of applications gave birth to “Ad Spying” - automated tracking of PPC ads over time to see which ones ran consistently, the idea being that nobody would pay to run ads indefinitely if they weren’t profitable. […]

Monday, June 9, 2008

Using Youtube for CPA Offers

We all know Youtube can generate huge traffic numbers. Just the other day we tested our theory and created a short video to promote an interesting CPA offer that allows someone to make a $3 donation to charity in return for filling out a brief survey. [Read more →]

Friday, June 6, 2008

How To Identify Profitable Niche Markets

One of the biggest keys to success in Internet Marketing is entering into the correct type of market. There are several crucial reasons why picking a market determines whether or not the campaign will be successful. We will discuss a couple of the main ones. ...[read more]

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Time Spent Learning Versus Time Spent Doing

If you asked me one of the biggest reasons why many people take so long to achieve their success with Internet marketing I would definitely have to say it comes down to a lack of action. Many people spend so much time learning and learning and yet never get around to actually applying any of the knowledge that they have learned. This is possibly because there are so many products out there that seem to position themselves as a magic pill and that just by buying them many beginners think that they will automatically start raking in the big bucks that they see on the sales page they bought from. Sadly, this is not the case and no-one is going to make any money for you but yourself and your own hard work and diligence. [ more...]

Monday, June 2, 2008

AdWords Success Secrets

Unless you have been living on another planet over the last few years you will no doubt be fully aware of what an amazing programme Google AdWords is for driving loads of targeted traffic to your products and affiliate offerings. Or at least it should be! Unfortunately for many people they simply don't experience the success that they would like to see with their AdWords efforts. However, the good news is that this can be overcome by applying a few solid techniques to any AdWords campaign and letting the improvements multiply over time.[ ... read more...]