Friday, March 7, 2008

Boost Your PPC Click-Through Rates (CTR)

Your Click-Through Rate, or CTR for any type of online sales is important, but it’s critical for Pay Per Click where it can determine how much you pay. It’s important, however, that what you do to improve your click through rate doesn’t result in lower conversions.[Read more →]

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Xsitepro - Website and Landing Pages creation for Marketers

Xsitepro - $197Xsitepro bills itself as “The Web design software for Internet Entrepreneurs” and this is a very apt description. The program is designed from the ground-up for “Internet Entrepreneurs”, and in particular Affiliate marketers. It requires no technical background or skills, and will produce professional, polished, ‘bullet-proof’ landing pages, sales letters, and mini-sites finely tuned and optimized for the particular requirements of each.....[read more...]

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

How to Use Google AdWords Keyword Tool in a Way to Get You Hot Keywords By Michael Ullman

While the google adwords keyword tool isn't technically free, it only costs $5, which you get as credit to spend on adwords. This will be the best investment you will make for keyword tools. Think about it. Google is the biggest company in the whole world created for giving data to people who are buying keywords. Google wants to give you the most effective real-time keywords so you will continue to use their services. Why would you want to neglect this resource?Here's how you get the most out of it. First, login to your adwords account, click tools, and then select keyword tool. Search for a broad term in the niche you want to research, and then select "use synonyms" and perform your research.The Google adwords keyword tool will return a list of keywords that have been proven to be relevant by Google standards. Now, take these terms, and put them into the search engine. Take the top 10 websites those terms deliver, then go back to Google adwords keyword tool, click on the site related keywords tab, and enter those 10 sites to get even more keywords.Now, use synonyms for each of these searches and add those keywords to your list. Continue this process over and over again until you get as many keywords as you think are necessary. Now you have a list of keywords that you can use with any other keyword research tools such as Word tracker, keyword analyzer, SEO Elite, and so on to scrape for long tail keyword searches. If you still need more words, you can take the list you returned from the other keyword tools, and then bring them into the Google adwords keyword research tool. You can also use the Google traffic estimator as a guide to see which terms have the highest searches.In conclusion, if you're not using the Google adwords tool as I have described above, you're missing out on some very important keywords.Michael Ullman is President of Analogy Marketing, a leading NY-based Internet Marketing firm, and a Google Certified Professional. You can visit their blog Improve Your Internet Marketing for proven strategies from over 5 years of Internet Marketing success, or subscribe to their widely acclaimed free newsletter "Melanes Tips"!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Niche Research Bonanza!By Michael Ullman

The idea behind niche research is to find a topic or need that you can exploit by offering a product or solution. There are as many methods of niche research are there are niches, some better than others. The objective of good niche research is to find a group that has a common need or desire, big enough to support reasonable sales, yet small enough that there aren't too many 'big guns' going after the same group.
I recently came across what has to be one of the greatest 'niche finders' I have ever seen: 43 Things.
43 Things is a Web 2.0 Social Networking site with a twist: it's based on people making a list of things they want to do ("43 things I'd like to do...")
The site uses a Tag Cloud to represent these 'things' - the more people who list the same thing, the bigger the tag for that thing. In other words, this site gives you a graphical representation of demonstrated niche ideas! This is one big site of people saying in effect: "Here's something I want, or want to do"!
Niche idea's on a Silver Platter!
What's very cool is that you can refresh the page over and over, and watch tags grow and shrink. When I was on the site recently, "Get a Tattoo", "Learn to Play Guitar", and "Learn Massage Therapy" were particularly prominent.
Guess what? Clickbank has Tattoo, Guitar, and Message Therapy products! Not sure what people are looking for? 43 Things will tell you, complete with a relative indicator of just how many people might want the same thing...
Michael Ullman is President of Analogy Marketing, a leading NY-based Internet Marketing firm, and a Google Certified Professional. You can visit their blog Improve Your Internet Marketing for proven strategies from over 5 years of Internet Marketing success, or subscribe to their widely acclaimed free newsletter Melane's Tips!

Monday, March 3, 2008

How To Increase Opt Ins To Build Bigger Lists By Michael Ullman

If you've been involved with Internet marketing for more than 10 minutes, you've probably heard that "the money is in the list". That is true. If you can build an e-mail list of people who are interested in what you have to offer, you can communicate with them over and over again and continually sell them on the benefits of your products. The result: a lot more sales. In this article I will show you how to build your list with the most powerful list building technique I've ever come across. It involves giving perceived value, and there are three ways to do it. By reading this article, you can use one or all three strategies described and watch your list grow faster than is ever grown.A lot of people use e-books as their main product. Really smart marketers use e-books as incentives to get people to subscribe to the list. Then, once somebody subscribes to the list they have other products that they sell to them. In other words, they give away something that most other people sell. E-books are probably the most often used incentive for enticing people to sign up for lists. That is because e-books are pretty much free to create, or can be outsourced at a very low cost. It's a fair exchange: you want to communicate with them to buy your products, and they want the information in your e-book. This is what was building is all about.In some markets, e-books don't have as high a perceived value as in other markets. A way to get around that is to take your service, and brainstorm a way to offer a free trial for it. It might be a simple as giving them seven days to evaluate your e-book before they need a password to continue looking at. Other ways you can use free trials are to give the first month away of a membership site for free, or creating a trial version of a software to use. Have them sign up to try your trial version, and then continually market to them on upgrading it.Speaking of software, sometimes creating software that is complementary to your product is a great way to build your list fast. For example if you're selling a book on how to market using youtube, you can create a free piece of software to give away that automates adding comments to other peoples videos. Don't know how to create software? There are plenty people on the Internet who will create it for you for very low price. Just do a little digging around to be surprised at how cheap you can get software created for you. Sites such as Rentacoder and Elance that allow you to create inexpensive but professional products.There are many additional, free resources for tips & tricks to leverage these strategies, such as Improve Your Internet Marketing.In conclusion, the best way to the lists is to give them something of high perceived value that they would normally have to pay for to get. If you're willing to take the initial time up front to create this product and give it away, you will reap the rewards by getting high sign-up rates. Then do some simple e-mail marketing to them, and since you have a bigger lists, you also get bigger profits.Michael Ullman is President of Analogy Marketing, a leading NY-based Internet Marketing firm, and a Google Certified Professional. You can visit their blog Improve Your Internet Marketing for proven strategies from over 5 years of Internet Marketing success, or subscribe to their widely acclaimed free newsletter "Melanes Tips"!